The Conversation I have been Having Lately:
The World:"Tag Your It!"
Me: "You can't Tag Me, I'm On BASE!!"
But what does it mean to be "on base" ? Does it mean refuge? Does it mean safety? Does it mean that you are in a place where no one can get you, even if they try? Who came up with the idea?
I certainly don't think it was adults. I believe, from watching my children, that they have had this concept and we stole it from them. Kids acknowledge the need to take a break from all of the craziness of the game, and therefore invented base. They do this in their lives as well. When my four year old is tired, and the world has taken all that she has to give: she just sleeps. Children seem to inherently know when they've has enough and they are wise enough to listen to their bodies. Do we do that? Rarely!
There are some exceptions of people that I know who have learned how to say, enough world.. I'm on base. My goal for 2012 has been to find a way to get on base and stay there as long as productively possible. This is a very find balance. First I had to determine where base it. And I must say that I have two bases. Jesus and Jim :) My family is awesome, and they are the people that I go to all of the time, and they in their own ways are bases too. But there is not other bases like the fore mentioned.
Jesus is my primary base. He is there for me whenever and wherever I am. I can take his truths with me where ever I go, and they never steer me wrong. That doesn't mean I always listen to them.. I am learning (still after all of these years). This Lenten season I have reflected on the man of Jesus Christ, and how spectacular of a person he would have been to walk with in the flesh. However, I do feel as if he walks with me and that is groovy beyond words!
Then there is Jim. I got the idea of this blog when I was having a brief conversation with him this afternoon. Emma and Noah are both sick, and I wanted to call and update him on their status. He was busy so the time wasn't there for the conversation. I asked him to call me back, because " I just wanted to touch base" .
"I just wanted to touch base" is a phrase that I have said to Jim for years. Pretty much since I was 16. Even during brief period of not dating, we would always touch base. Now this phrase is often said amongst friends, family or even co-workers to convey the very gist of what was happening.. a sort of briefing of events. And I will be honest, there are times THAT is what couples conversations can easily become. "an evening update,.. this just in, your daughter attempted to use her skirt as a parachute and we were able to stop her just in time" also "In other news, we are out of milk, toilet paper and dog food" . But then there is the moment when the world is getting ready to tag me...
Just when the world almost tags me, BASE ! Jim is my base.. and I think that is why we are such an awesome couple, and have been successful at making farming work. Its not perfect, but when I look back at the accomplishments we have made, I think we have done so well because we are each others bases. Here's to keeping agriculture strong, and here's to my base on earth! :)
World: "Tag your it!" Me: You can't Tag me, I have the best base you could ask for!
Savvy Science
The thoughts of a rural science educator, trying her best to bring 21st century skills to her students.